Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

GYM Ledger - Наслаждайтесь спортом

С уважением, давайте обсудим проект о книге GYM ниже.

Привет всем, сегодняшняя статья - это проект о спорте. Они генерируют идеи о том, что означает этот проект.

Менее одного человека или тоже, что пиво или нерегулярное пиво означает упражнение - пиво. На самом деле, обычно просить своих друзей или их друзей писать в спортзал, чтобы все пили пиво или поворачивались. Короче говоря, около 70% людей в мире проходят эти этапы и участвуют в спортивных мероприятиях. Случаи, которые я рассчитывал на женщин, были такими же чистыми, как и мои. Хорошие футбольные приключения, которые я играл в детстве, а также в университетских спортивных зданиях. Этот спортивный зал не проводит регулярные виды спорта в течение нескольких месяцев членских денег. Эдрр параллельно благодарит. Я хочу показать, что целью проекта является медленная идентификация.
Проект по развитию спортивных сооружений. Прежде всего (я разделяю адрес последнего сайта с моего сайта). Итак, вам нужно отправить свой адрес в проект, чтобы ваш спортзал был одобрен. После того, как процесс проверки завершен, вы больше не работаете с этим объявлением. Если мы откроем это полностью; В панели есть приложения, такие как магазин приложений, игровой магазин. Это программа, которая позволяет загружать программное обеспечение. Выиграйте 100%. Они победят, и они должны предпринять соответствующие действия, чтобы получить ценность.

İsterseniz birazda programın içeriğine girelim. Programın amacı arasında, sizlerin üretmişlerdir. Kazandığınız kripto paraların yönetimi. Kısacası imalınız spor aktiviteleri üzerinde;

Kalp atış hızı takibi
Egzersiz günlüğü
Cüzdanı Kripto
Hoparlörün kriptolarını.

Tek bir programın tümünü bir arada değerlendirmeniz gerekmektedir. Bedavaya getirmiş olsa bile bedavaya getirmiş.
GYM Ledger представляет маркеры, которые отображаются в виде значков LGR. Этот проект можно использовать с ERC20. Они будут приняты в качестве инвестиционных инструментов в БТД. Начало предпроектного тендерного процесса проекта. Это объявлено тем, кто хочет инвестировать. Продажи проекта ico в настоящее время проводятся с 0,70 ETH наградами LEDER для тех, кто инвестирует. Проект должен иметь 4 миллиона токенов LGR в минимальных инвестициях с softcaps. Стоимость Hardcap означает 20 миллионов единиц LGR взамен, что означает, что токен инвестиций означает максимум. Создатели проекта получат выгоду от работы с командой проекта GYM Rewards. Я написал эту статью, я думал, что вы будете обрабатывать точку проекта. Этот проект очень хорош для того, чтобы делать много вещей и быть трудолюбивым.
Надеюсь, вы получите много прибыли в своих инвестициях, и я ожидаю больше прибыли. Чтобы проверить проект, у вас есть платформа, на которой вы можете оставить социальные идеи на своем веб-сайте.

My profile bitcointalk (onadioleonardo)https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1999423

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2018

GYM Ledger - First in the world with an integrated hardware wallet

best regards my friend will discuss the project about the GYM ledger below.
About the GYM project

Having a very fit body is the biggest advantage of this sport. For many people, this is a way to evaluate leisure and socializing. As a sportsman for many years, when I heard about the GYM Prize project through a blog, I was very surprised and very much appreciated. Why? When you exercise and run, you get a token when exercising. These tokens can be converted into cash and you can pay to the fitness center as a fee. Doesn't that look good and benefit you?

Gym Rewards is a blockchain company that gives us the opportunity to earn money by playing sports. The project idea is to motivate people to diligently exercise or participate in any physical activity and will be paid according to the intensity of the exercise. The Blockchain Gym Rewards network is not the same as other networks, because the miners here are using a mobile application.

So why do people now turn to GYM Rewards when there are many crypto currencies? Because the following features and advantages are not available on any platform. This is what makes GYM Rewards very profitable and preferred. Below are some features of GYM;
. Gym Rewards mobile application. Now it is fully functional and available for use on AnroidOS and iOS. The application takes readings from the bracelet, calculates the level of physical activity and tokens.
. Bracelet with wallet function. Wrist bracelet that can track heart rate. It also functions as an iron wallet, such as Trezor or Ledger.
. Exercise Proof Protocol (POE). Proof of training. This is a smart contract-based reward system that is activated when a mobile device with an application running based on GPS readings then confirms that the device is in the gym.
. Exchange exchange tokens from GymBase Exchange. Designed to provide a convenient opportunity for users to sell tokens that are obtained quickly and easily during training.
Additional information:

Token Info

LGR Token
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20

LGR preICO 1 price = 0.0014
ETH prices on ICO 1 LGR = 0.002 ETH


October 1 - October 15 30%
October 16 - October 31, 25%
November 1 - December 31 0%
Tokens for sale 20,000,000

Investment info

Receive ETH
Distributed at ICO 20%

Soft stamp of 4,000,000 LGR
20,000,000 LGR hard stamp

The Gym Rewards project team
The conclusion is

The developer of this project has done a great job of making all their ideas and showing the world of finished products. This system thinks of the smallest details, even functions such as sales of received code. To provide the necessary liquidity and maintain the value of tokens, it is necessary to enter into agreements with project partners, such as exchanges or stock exchanges. In general, this product is ready to work.

Now developers have launched a bracelet campaign, and continue to be involved in ongoing updates from the application and add new placements based on partner mapping data. .

For those who are regularly involved in training, this will be a great opportunity to make money from their energy when exercising or at the center of GYM.

Hopefully this information is useful for all of you. If you want to participate in the ICO Gym Ledger, the time is right because it is still very early and the chances are very good. Click the related link below for more information

My profile bitcointalk (onadioleonardo)https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1999423

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2018


Grüße Euch meine lieben Freunde.Ich möchte Ihnen ein einzigartiges Projekt vorstellen. Haben Sie schon Zeit, in das Projekt zu investieren? Wenn nicht, dann haben Sie die Möglichkeit.
AIVON ist eine dezentrale blockchain-Plattform und ein Protokoll, das auf einem Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Netzwerk und einer Gemeinschaft menschlicher Experten basiert.
Spezialisierte KI-algorithmen werden auf mining-Knoten eingesetzt, so dass die CPU-und GPU-Ressourcen der Bergleute zum Scannen von Mediendateien, zur Generierung der erweiterten Metadaten einschließlich zeitcodierter tags, Klassifizierung, Kategorien, Transkripten und übersetzungen und einem index der videoobjekte verwendet werden können.
AIVON-Plattform wird KI verwenden, um eine vertrauensbewertung für jede von mehreren Inhalt Sicherheit Attribute, wie definieren: Nacktheit, Erwachsene, beleidigende Sprache, Hassreden, Gewalt, Waffen,Alkohol usw. Diese konfidenzwerte werden in einem Vektor namens ContentGraphTM zusammengefasst, der als Balkendiagramm visualisiert werden kann.
AIVON https://aivon.io/ nutzt ein Netzwerk von Freiberuflern mit Fähigkeiten in tagging, metadata management, Transkription und übersetzung. AIVON wird seine community mit tools unterstützen, die es Einzelpersonen ermöglichen, die von KI abgeleiteten Metadaten zu überprüfen, zu überprüfen und zu korrigieren, einschließlich der Kategorisierungen, Transkriptionen und übersetzungen.
AIVON ist ein neues Dezentrales blockchain-Protokoll und-Plattform, die durch die Kraft einer Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) Netzwerk gemacht und gebaut wird. Leader und Innovatoren des besagten Projekts stellten Forschung und harte Arbeit zusammen, um Probleme in den Metadaten, der Inhaltssicherheit und der Online-videolokalisierung von videos zu lösen.
Die AIVON wird AI verwenden, um die Sicherheit der Inhalte von Erwachsenen, Nacktheit, Gewalt, Alkohol und beleidigende Sprache zu gewährleisten, um nur einige zu nennen. Die Plattform erzeugt eine vertrauensbewertung und verwandelt Sie in die Inhaltsgrafik für eine ordnungsgemäße demonstration und Anzeige durch die Benutzer.
Die AI-algorithmen werden über mining-Knoten bereitgestellt, um sich auf das filtern von Miner-Mediendateien, GPU-und CPU-Ressourcen zu spezialisieren. Es wird auch zeitcodierte tags, videotranskripte und übersetzungen enthalten, um spezielle und gewünschte Medien, insbesondere video-snippets, zu indizieren.
ALLE aivon-Builder verfügen über Erfahrungen in den Bereichen metadatenmanagement, tagging, übersetzung und Transkription, um die Funktionalität der Plattform zu gewährleisten. Dieses Netzwerk von kompetenten codern und Experten verspricht verifizierte und richtige KI-abgeleitete Metadaten für den gesamtzweck des blockchain-Protokolls.
Das team besteht aus Personen, die Leidenschaft und Verständnis für blockchains und seine Protokolle haben. Die meisten von Ihnen sind Ingenieure, die bereits Ihre Namen in der Branche gemacht haben und dies auch weiterhin tun.
Neben den Führern und den anderen Untergebenen wird das team auch von blockchain-plattformgründern, CEO von AI-Unternehmen und Leitern von lead-Entwicklern bekannter software unter anderem beraten.
AIVON veröffentlicht erc20 Token oder auch bekannt als AVO, um Ihre Mitglieder oder Benutzer zu belohnen und zu ermutigen. Das genannte token wird auch als Form von Zahlungen im GESAMTEN aivon-ökosystem verwendet.
Die besagte Plattform hat eine ICO-token-Versorgung von 350,000,000 und eine hard-cap-Größe von 18,000,000 USD (flat). AIVON akzeptiert Währungen in USD oder ETH. Der Preis von einem AVO entspricht = 0.16 USD.
35% des gesamten toke-Vertriebs gehen an den token-Verkauf, 22,5% an die community-Entwicklung und 20% an die Gründer und das team. Die restlichen 15% und 7,5% in der besagten Verteilung wird die Marktentwicklung der Plattform und Berater jeweils gehen.
Die Verwaltung der Plattform ist auch transparent über die Zuweisung von Mitteln, durch die 30% für Forschung und Entwicklung (f&E), 25% auf die Operationen, 20% für die Plattform Kosten, weitere 20% für das marketing, und 3% und 2% sowohl für rechts-und Rechnungswesen, sowie admin.
Da AIVON relativ neu ist und seit September 2018 nur AVO oder Token verkauft, sind seine Risiken noch nicht berechnet. Natürlich testen auch viele ICO-Enthusiasten, Gründer und Führer den Markt. Der aktuelle hype-score der Plattform, obwohl aktiv, ist niedrig.
China ist auch das Land der Beschränkung für die Plattform. Im Vergleich zu anderen ICO-oder blockchain-Plattformen baut AIVON immer noch seinen Weg zur Anerkennung auf, besonders wenn die Investition in die KI-Technologie enorm ist.
Obwohl es unberechnete Risiken in der Plattform gibt, die es in der Branche der blockchain gibt, sind it-Funktionen beeindruckend. Das Team, Führungskräfte und Gründer hinter AIVON sind einer der Vorschläge, warum diese Plattform Vertrauen von denen gewinnen wird, die interessiert sind.
Es ist eine gute Prämisse ist eine der beeindruckenden Verkaufsargumente der Plattform. Obwohl sich die Risiken entwickeln können, wäre es immer noch den Versuch eines jeden Anlegers Wert.
AIVON hat noch viel zu beweisen, speziell mit der fortschrittlichen Technologie der Plattform verwendet. Es könnte eine hervorragende Ergänzung zu den Auswahlen der blockchain-Plattformen auf dem Markt heute sein.
Alle Logos und Bilder Eigentum Ihrer jeweiligen Unternehmen.
Global Aus Asien ICO Briefing macht extrem frühzeitige Forschung von token-Angebote. Im Verlauf des Projekts können sich die details erheblich oder vollständig ändern. Tun Sie immer Ihre eigene Forschung und investieren Sie nicht mehr, als Sie sich leisten können, zu verlieren.
Die in diesem Artikel enthaltenen Informationen dienen nur der Aufklärung und keine finanzielle Beratung. Tun Sie Ihre eigene Forschung, bevor Sie irgendwelche Investitionsentscheidungen treffen.

My profile bitcointalk (onadioleonardo)https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1999423

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018


Internet money makes it possible to monetize ideas that contribute to the technological revolution that cannot be imagined several years ago. UCIM intends to catalyze decentralization in its true essence, bringing together people and experts who believe in their power.

As such, this event will be a link between traditional centralized structures and new ideas from a decentralized economy. Thanks to this and without friction, the world network will witness the integration of technology, business, ideas and dreams.

Over the past few years, the introduction of cryptocurrency has increased exponentially, mainly because of its attractiveness for people who want to use alternative money. Because all crypto-options are decentralized, anonymous and electronic, they are called future currencies.

Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency and remains the most visible. Because of its increasing popularity, this will be used every day for regular transactions. Famous companies like Etsy and Subway accept bitcoin as payment. The BitPay Visa debit card allows you to convert your bitcoin to ordinary money within minutes and use the card at the place you received the Visa. Another platform, ChainTrade, uses blockchins to revolutionize the sale of food and raw materials. This financial sector is more than 2 trillion dollars a year.

Welcoming this, UCIM (UNITED INTERNET MONEY CONFERENCE) is motivated by the fact that he can hold an event that presents important and interesting things about the world of cryptocurrency. The event aims to satisfy the growing global curiosity by providing the right information, expert opinions and relevant content around futuristic technology with an unconventional approach.

The UCIM conference has been designed to include events and opportunities that can be used for exclusive networks, forming partnerships in closed groups of like-minded people and participating in various events. UCIM will provide a platform to build strong connections with event paths that include pitching, cryptography, awards, round tables, and private networks after parties.

Who will attend UCIM? ,


To empower startups that are able to make changes in global business space using futuristic technology

The leader thinks


Internet money makes it possible to monetize ideas that contribute to the technological revolution that cannot be imagined several years ago. UCIM intends to catalyze decentralization in its true essence, bringing together people and experts who believe in their power.

As such, this event will be a link between traditional centralized structures and new ideas from a decentralized economy. Thanks to this and without friction, the world network will witness the integration of technology, business, ideas and dreams.

Over the past few years, the introduction of cryptocurrency has increased exponentially, mainly because of its attractiveness for people who want to use alternative money. Because all crypto-options are decentralized, anonymous and electronic, they are called future currencies.

Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency and remains the most visible. Because of its increasing popularity, this will be used every day for regular transactions. Famous companies like Etsy and Subway accept bitcoin as payment. The BitPay Visa debit card allows you to convert your bitcoin to ordinary money within minutes and use the card at the place you received the Visa. Another platform, ChainTrade, uses blockchins to revolutionize the sale of food and raw materials. This financial sector is more than 2 trillion dollars a year.

Welcoming this, UCIM (UNITED INTERNET MONEY CONFERENCE) is motivated by the fact that he can hold an event that presents important and interesting things about the world of cryptocurrency. The event aims to satisfy the growing global curiosity by providing the right information, expert opinions and relevant content around futuristic technology with an unconventional approach.

The UCIM conference has been designed to include events and opportunities that can be used for exclusive networks, forming partnerships in closed groups of like-minded people and participating in various events. UCIM will provide a platform to build strong connections with event paths that include pitching, cryptography, awards, round tables, and private networks after parties.

Who will attend UCIM? ,


To empower startups that are able to make changes in global business space using futuristic technology

The leader thinks

To equip future leaders with best practices and inspirational thinking.

Mass media

Record conferences covering all industries and technologies that make headlines.


To throw high-performance investors and establish valuable connections with thought leaders and the media.

Get a ticket

The UCIM ticket category has been adjusted to meet the needs of students, professionals and giant products. With more than 500 parties interested in the world and unique networking opportunities, this event offers an experience to grow when you relax.

For more information about UCIM

My profile bitcointalk (onadioleonardo)https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1999423


теплые приветствия моего друга обсудят ниже проект UCIM.
Мотивирование денег с помощью денег с помощью мотивов идей, прокладывающих путь для технологической революции, которые можно себе представить, - это несколько лет назад. UCIM предполагает катализировать децентрализацию по своей истинной сути, объединяя людей и экспертов, которые верят в свою власть.

Таким образом, это событие станет промежуточным звеном между традиционными структурами централизации и новыми идеями децентрализованной экономики. Благодаря этой безграничной и без трения сетям мир станет свидетелем интеграции технологий, бизнеса, идей и мечты.

За последние несколько лет внедрение криптовалюты выросло по экспоненте, в первую очередь из-за его привлекательности для людей, которые хотят использовать альтернативные деньги. Поскольку все криптотермии децентрализованы, анонимны и электронны, их называют валютой будущего.

Биткойн - первая криптовалюта, и она остается самой заметной. Из-за его растущей популярности он теперь используется каждый день для обычных транзакций. Принятие биткойнов в качестве оплаты. Дебетовая карта BitPay Visa позволяет вам преобразовывать ваши биткойны в обычные деньги в течение нескольких минут и использовать карту в любом месте, где вы принимаете визу. Другая платформа, ChainTrade, использует blockchain для революционизации торговли продуктами питания и сырьем. Этот финансовый сектор составляет более 2 триллионов долларов в год.

Приветствуя это, UNITED CONFERENCE OF INTERNET MONEY заинтересована в том, чтобы иметь возможность проводить мероприятия, которые будут важными и интересными в мире криптовалютности. Мероприятие должно удовлетворить растущее глобальное любопытство, предоставляя правильную информацию, мнения экспертов и соответствующий контент вокруг футуристических технологий с нетрадиционным подходом.

Конференция UCIM была разработана для включения партнерств и партнерских отношений в закрытые группы единомышленников и участие в различных мероприятиях. UCIM обеспечит платформу для построения прочных соединений путем размещения диапазона между событиями качки, криптографией, наградами, круглыми столами, частными сетями и после вечеринки.

Кто будет присутствовать на UCIM? ,

Для расширения возможностей стартапов, способных внести изменения в глобальное бизнес-пространство с использованием футуристических технологий

Лидеры мышления

Для оснащения лидеров завтрашнего дня лучшими практиками и вдохновляющими мыслями.

средства массовой информации

Захват конференции, охватывающей все отрасли и технологии, которые создают заголовки.


Для высокоэффективных инвесторов и ценные связи с мыслями и медиа.

Получить билеты
Категории билетов UCIM были настроены для удовлетворения потребностей студентов, профессионалов и промышленных гигантов. Благодаря более чем 500 заинтересованным сторонам со всего мира и уникальным сетевым возможностям, мероприятие предлагает опыт для развития, когда вы расслабляетесь.

Для получения дополнительной информации о UCIM вы можете отправить

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2018


Devolve Developer will reshape the real estate industry with the emergence of a new business model leveraging a decentralized technology that creates access, increases efficiencies and reduces costs. Empowering individuals around the world with a trusted and transparent technology, Devolve Developer will discard many of the conventional hindrances and create a fully interconnected global economy that is completely peer-to-peer contributing to improved worldwide capital flow.
First Development
Historically in real estate, your risk of loss is minimized by the length of time you hold on to your property. When the market improves, so does the value of your home, and as a result, you build equity. The risk never changes in the stock market and there are numerous factors beyond your control that can negatively impact your investment. Real estate gives you more control of your investment because your property is a tangible asset that you can leverage to capitalize on numerous revenue streams, while enjoying capital appreciation.
There will always be value in your land, and value in your home. Other investments can leave you with little to no tangible asset value such as a stock which can dip to zero, or a new car which decreases in value over time. Home owners insurance will protect your investment in real estate, so be sure to get the best policy available so your asset is protected in the worst-case scenario.
You can get tax deductions on mortgage interest, cash flow from investment properties, operating expenses and costs, property taxes, insurance and depreciation (even if the property gains value) and other benefits. The end of the year is a very busy time for real estate because people want to take advantage of the numerous tax benefits before the end of the year!
An investment in real estate is not only a safe financial investment, it is also an investment that can provide years of fun, happiness and priceless memories that will last a lifetime.
This is what makes Devolve Developer motivated to become a platform that reshapes the real estate industry through its decentralized system that increases efficiencies and reducing costs. Devolve Developer will become a safe and trustworthy real-estate platform by its investors, because Devolve Developer uses blockchain technology and supports reliable and professional teams in their fields. So investors don’t have to worry about their assets.
The Solution
Devolve Developer’s business model reshapes the real estate industry through its decentralized system that increases efficiencies and reduces costs. Empowering investors with a secure, trusted and transparent platform, eradicating many of the conventional hindrances, Devolve Developer designed a fully interconnected global economy contributing to improved worldwide capital flow.
The Devolve Platform is the first high quality system, backed by hard assets, engaging in large real estate development. Although this primary real estate market produces higher returns than the retail market, it is heavily under exploited by private investment due to the high barriers of entry. Utilizing blockchain technology and smart contracts, Devolve Developer tokenized large scale development projects by pooling various types of illiquid contractual projects and improving accessibility of their cash flows and enhanced equity positions creating reward-producing tokens that are easily tradeable.
Investors can participate in this real estate wholesale market by allocate their digital asset back tokens (ABT) toward projects that align to their unique investment needs. With total autonomy, investors have the flexibility to determine when to participate in the project, how much to allocate towards the project and their duration of contribution in the project.
Devolve Resolution
Capital affordability
Devolve Developer’s digital platform democratizes participation and eliminates the large capital requirement alloting any amount of Devolve tokens to development projects
Higher profitability
Blockchain technology provide digital automation to intermediation and reduces costs, enhances services, and creates a higher return for you
Access to global investment opportunities
Distributive technology grants access to our global inventory of development projects
Flexible life cycle
Smart contracts govern transactions that reduces the processing time and gives user autonomy to earn additional tokens and reallocate positions
Devolve developer’s exchange API allows users to effortlessly reallocate between projects and easily sell tokens on an exchange
Efficient ecosystem
Tokenization standardizes real estate assets to make it fungible and creates a market for ease of transform
Token Sales
Devolve Developer is conducting a token sale for potential contributors to gain access to the high yielding real estate development marketplace. Devolve Developer secured the necessary partnerships from industry players with a current development project portfolio spanning across 3 continents and continuously growing.
  • DVX is an ERC-20 token
  • SOFT CAP: 100M DVX
  • HARD CAP: 600M DVX
  • WHITELIST PERIOD: December 15, 2018 – Target is met
  • PRE-SALE PERIOD: Coming Soon – Target is met
  • PUBLIC SALE PERIOD: To Be Determined
  • TOKEN PRICE: $0.75 USD per DVX
For more information about Devolve Developer, you can send message to tokensale@devolvedeveloper.io

My profile bitcointalk (onadioleonardo)https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1999423
AVON is a centralized block platform.

my friend's warm greetings will discuss the project about AIVON below.
AIVON is a decentralized block platform.
nelchka2205 (32) Waveon • 5 days ago

AIVON is a decentralized platform and blockchain protocol built on an artificial intelligence network (AI) and a community of human experts who work together to create normalized and sophisticated metadata for video content. https://aivon.io/

A special AI algorithm will be deployed to the mining site, so the miner's processor and graphics processor resources can be used to scan media files, resulting in advanced metadata, including timestamp, classification, categories, transcripts and translations, and video object indexes.
AI AIVON will use the Platform to determine trust scores for each of several content security attributes, such as nudity, adult, abusive language, hate speech, violence, weapons, alcohol, etc. This trust value will be combined into a vector called ContentGraphTM which can be visualized as a histogram.
AIVON uses a network of freelancers with tag management skills, metadata management, transcription and translation. AIVON will provide a tool community, allowing individuals to see, verify and improve the metadata that comes from AI, including categorization, transcription, and translation.
AIVON is a decentralized block platform.
nelchka2205 (32) Waveon • 5 days ago

AIVON is a decentralized platform and blockchain protocol built on an artificial intelligence network (AI) and a community of human experts who work together to create normalized and sophisticated metadata for video content. https://aivon.io/
A special AI algorithm will be deployed to the mining site, so the miner's processor and graphics processor resources can be used to scan media files, resulting in advanced metadata, including timestamp, classification, categories, transcripts and translations, and video object indexes.
AI AIVON will use the Platform to determine trust scores for each of several content security attributes, such as nudity, adult, abusive language, hate speech, violence, weapons, alcohol, etc. This trust value will be combined into a vector called ContentGraphTM which can be visualized as a histogram.
AIVON uses a network of freelancers with tag management skills, metadata management, transcription and translation. AIVON will provide a tool community, allowing individuals to see, verify and improve the metadata that comes from AI, including categorization, transcription, and translation.

Follow the link below for more information about AIVON

My profile bitcointalk (onadioleonardo)https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1999423


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