MOMENTUM: help you to stay in contact with your clients so the clients will stay in contact with you.
Every organization needs strong marketing, even the famous brands will fall if they don’t keep attracting their clients in this competitive marketplace. But everyone follows very same old methods of marketing such as sale and TV/ social media advertisement. What should be done apart from these strategies and how it should be done to make the organization prominent from others competitors? The Mobile-Bridge- MOMENTUMhave answers of these inquiries.
Brief review of Mobile-Bridge MOMENTUM:
Versatile Bridge MOMENTUM is a straightforward and decentralized promoting structure which comes up with an inventive thought for drawing attention of clients of a brand/associations. The organizations/brands coordinate themselves with blockchain of MOMENTUM , who hold their buyers to keep dedication with them. This adaptable method for marketing with MOMENTUM is very fascinating. The clients having MOMENTUM will become more acquainted with about the brands, their upcoming product offering, rewards and dedication focuses. What's more, the best thing is that they get compensated/rewarded as digital forms of money. Numerous organizations, for example, Giant Store, Best Burger and WholeSports officially coordinated with Mobile-Bridge MOMENTUM.

How this platfrom functions?
Each association has appointed with a token to compensate (sub token). At the point when clients purchase anything from a brand, they audit them on MOMENTUM, publically post about item, watch a video, share it, allude the brand to others, finish reviews, visit sites, attempt new acquiring and numerous different initiates,and in return they are rewarded with that subtoken. Clients can keep these tokens so as to get something from the brand or change over them into principle token of this blockchain otherwise known as MOMENTUM-TOKEN. These MOMENTUM-tokens are either remained safe in a wallet or can be exchanged on different EXCHANGES for other type of cryptographic forms of money, for example, ETH BTC.
Great in MOMENTUM for clients and organizations:
MobileBridge-MOMENTUM stage is straightforward and ensure the exchanges are distributed so as to make it more reliable & transparent. It has numerous competitive edges which make them one of a kind from other marketing stages. It keep the clients occupied with a long haul association with brands by staying in contact with them. Reward them in cryptographic forms of money (token/ subtoken). Keep record of client's experience & reviews for the organizations (savvy contract), who can utilize them for future advertising and will become acquainted with about their client's preferences detests. Organizations pay them as MOMENTUM token. The MOMENTUM token is tradable. Brands are additionally promoted. Clients become more acquainted with about the brand as well as visit for getting rewards so along these lines MOMENTUM gives quality traffic.
Token points of interest:
The sub tokens are simply used for that particular brand. In any case, after change into MOMENTUM-token. It has numerous different advantages, for example, exchanging. The token is Etheruem based ERC20. The cost of 1 MOMENTUM token is almost equivalent to 0.12 USD. Open deal for MOMENTUM-tokens is from date April 26, 2018.
My name: onadioleonardo
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