Minggu, 01 Juli 2018


BitBose : invest in bank From Bitbose Platform

The early man was a hunter-gatherer and never felt the need to store value for future use. Whatever he needs is obtained and used when and when it is needed. With the advent of agriculture and human settlements, the need to store value for future use begins to come in vogue. Being separated from their hunter-gatherer ancestors, the peasantry and the pastoralists became dependent on the peculiarities of nature. They are now harvesting crops whose productivity depends on weather and climatic conditions.
Thus, men and women now need to keep the value stored from the moment to ensure their future survival. Soon, this value store takes the form of currency, and then, fiat currency for easy exchange and fungibility. The fear of theft and the appeal of interest income led to the development of the first banks. These banks are owned and run by guilds who take deposits from those who have more and lend to those who have less.
Because the bankers know that all depositors will not withdraw all their deposits, at the same time, they save 10% of deposits in lockers and lend the remaining 90% of deposits as loans. The bankers charge interest on the loan and give interest to the depositors. The difference between these two interests is what the bank does
saved for itself as a spread. As time goes by, the banking system becomes more consolidated, with all unions working together with each other rather than competing, to keep interest rates steady.
Banks from the 18th century onwards are no longer just deposit and financial organizations. They have a greater interest, as investors of the government, as trade exchange, and as investment houses to better utilize parked funds, for better profit, albeit at greater risk. Banks are now openly involved in equity markets and debt sales to protect their margins while endangering depositors. It is also suspected, and proven in some cases, that banks are beginning to deliberately swing the market to meet their interests, and their peers.
This culminated in the Banking Crisis of 2008 that paralyzed the banking sector which slumped under the burdened financial pressures and disbursement of subprime lending. While most of the affected banks belonged to the United States, the ripples were felt around the world as the world fell into another depression, on a scale larger than the Great Depression that followed World War One and the Second World.
Projects are born and trained for solutions. Millions of project types still exist in the color of Persolusian on Earth. All but none and no solution to a better direction than before, in this session only on the strength of practical and tough economy.
As always, the energy and appeal of the latest projects. His name is also new, of course everything is still smooth and hard in facing the latest technology. In this beautiful new project Bose Bit, he comes by offering good news for those who want to join him.
Need to know BitBose with the current platform to create a complete decentralized banking solution.
BitBose is really a good project and promising. Especially if it’s related to token issues.
Summary of Tokenomi
Token Name — BOSE
Website — /www.bitbose.com/
Offer type — Sale of flea
otal token — 300 million
Currency Received — BTC, ETH, FIAT
ERC20 Token — YES
Soft Cap — $ 5 million
Rigid Hat — $ 45 Million
BitBose consists of the following three components:
• BitBose Exchange
• BitBose Bank
• BitBose Smart Wallet
And all three components are integrated and also fully into this BitBose service platform.
When a participant buys BOSE (Token Platform), he automatically becomes a member of BitBose Bank.
The main feature of banks is the ability to allocate loans to qualified candidates. In an ordinary bank, the loan manager assesses who wants the loan, as per the assessment. This method is arbitrary and subject to error.
Eth: 0xC15Eb4bFf8e038db8Fdf3724129EfFAC3aA010D0
For more information you can visit:

My name: onadioleonardo

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